Savvy Shopkeeper's Lead-Generating Quiz

Case Study

Kathy Cruz's second business, Savvy Shopkeeper, helps brick and mortar retailers around the globe work less, profit more, and grow.

After developing her signature five-stage shopkeeper journey framework, Kathy knew that it was perfect for a list-growing quiz & lead magnet.

The Client

Kathy is a retail sales coach for brick and mortar shopkeepers. As a store owner herself, Kathy blends her practical experience with her mindset-focused coaching techniques to help retailers work less, profit more, and grow. 

Kathy and I have worked together on a multitude of projects over the past four years, including the first sales page for her Master Shopkeepers program, weekly podcast show notes, mastermind manifesto, and even her brand design!

I was thrilled to assist Kathy in crafting a quiz that not only serves as the primary lead gen method for her business, but that also serves her audience with thoughtfully written results page copy.

Kathy Cruz, Retail Sales Coach


  • Kathy has five different stages in her Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Journey framework. That meant creating five different quiz results pages & email sequences to address the individual challenges, desires, possibilities, & difficulties of each stage. 

  • In addition to creating the funnel design and copy for the quiz, Kathy also needed support in connecting all of the quiz tech.

  • When we first created the quiz, Kathy was still offering a resource-only version of her signature group coaching program, Master Shopkeepers. This changed, leading us to refine the quiz funnel at the one year mark. 


  • I did in-depth voice of customer interviews with several shopkeepers in each stage of the framework. These interviews helped me craft compelling questions, results pages, & email sequences that directly addressed their needs. I was also able to curate helpful resources for each stage from Kathy's website & podcast episode based on these interviews, which increased the value of the quiz for Kathy's audience.

  • Along with writing and designing the quiz, Kathy hired me to build the quiz on her Wordpress site, set up the Zapier connections, & build the email sequence workflows in Flodesk. After we audited the success of the quiz after one year, I was able to confidently recommend a more expensive (but easier to use!) quiz software option that delivers even better results analysis.

  • We refined the quiz questions, results pages, and email sequences to encourage quiz-takers to apply for Master Shopkeepers rather than the previously-available program. We were also able to increase the completion and opt-in rates with these edits.

Favorite Lines

Let’s get real: managing a brick-and-mortar can be overwhelming and isolating. That’s why I’m here to empower you every step of the way.

Hi there! I’m Kathy Cruz.

Before my sister and I opened our retail store, the Salvaged Boutique, Google search after Google search quickly proved that there just weren’t enough resources out there for brick-and-mortar shopkeepers. 

I kept finding myself in groups for digital entrepreneurs and reading stuffy articles meant for corporations, so I spent hours upon hours learning through trial and error.

I founded Savvy Shopkeeper with the idea that all Independent Retail Business Owners should have access to resources specifically created for their business. I’m proud to guide and support retailers with an insight-filled podcast, two incredible membership levels, one-on-one coaching, and a powerful community of shopkeepers rooting for each other. 

No matter where you are in your shopkeeper journey, my mission is to help you work less, profit more, and GROW your retail business.

P.S. This is just the beginning.
I’m not going to just throw these resources your way and leave you to your own devices. I’m here to empower you throughout your brick-and-mortar journey!

Although I’ve identified five distinct stages to most shopkeepers’ journeys, please know that retail success is subjective

Your journey is yours, and the Savvy Shopkeeper community is here to support you no matter where you are or where you aspire to be. If you’re curious about the other stages of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Journey, click here to read more.

Keep an eye on your inbox, as I’ll be popping in with more tips and resources soon!


  • 80% completion & opt-in rate after one year of quiz availability

  • 800+ new subscribers

  • Valuable, accurate, & connection-focused resource to which Kathy can direct podcast listeners & site visitors!


  • Voice of customer research
  • Funnel mapping
  • Quiz question design
  • Five results pages
  • Five nuture -> sales email sequences
  • Funnel optimization at one-year mark to address recent changes in Kathy's business model

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